To make it possible to plan downtimes, we provide our customers with the option of recording the condition of the gear by means of an inspection. As such, we determine the frequency spectrum during operation by means of vibration analyses and the sound power level by means of noise measurements, whereby it is possible to draw initial conclusions about the status of the mounting and the gearing. Further insights can be achieved by using a thermal imaging camera.
In addition, in the event of a standstill, an endoscopy or videoscopy can be performed in order to visually determine the condition of the components inside the gear. As well as this, it is also useful to document the wear parameters in the form of material and dirt particles, as well as the percentage of water present, by performing an oil inspection. The results obtained and the necessary overhaul and/or modification that may be needed according to these results are listed in an inspection documentation with a catalogue of measures and an offer.
Inspections of this kind should be performed on an annual basis in order to enable comparisons to be made and to record changes on the basis of the parameters, from which it is possible to deduce any need for action or preventative maintenance. We would be happy to prepare a quote for inspection services – simply get in touch with us!
Our 24-hour hotline allows us to ensure that you are either assisted immediately or, at the very least, that your emergency call is competently dealt with in a timely manner.
Tel.: +49 (0)2 02 / 4 81-1 10
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