Longer service life as a competitive advantage
Demands on manufacturers of technical products have increased continuously in recent years. Durability alone is no longer a decision-making criterion for or against a product – even low-cost products must now be able to guarantee functionally reliable operation. These days, a longer service life constitutes the competitive advantage vis-a-vis low-cost products.
The pioneers in calculating the service life of a product were the roller bearing manufacturers, who gave design engineers the formulas for calculating the “nominal bearing life” decades ago. Today, components tested under operating conditions is the approached used to make statistically reliable statements about the service life under various parameters. Koellmann Gear, the business unit for gear manufacturing at Thielenhaus Technologies GmbH, offers here a range of test bench gears of up to 1 MW torque power or 10,000 U/min or 10 kNm, which is based on years of design experience in this area.